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Best Way Laundry


Phone (904) 879-5773
Address 450082 State Road 200,
Callahan, FL 32011 United States


Best Way Laundry is a top provider of dry cleaning in Callahan. Visit us soon at our business address or call us today at (904) 879-5773.

Reviews for Best Way Laundry

1 Review(s) Add a Review
  • Best Way Laundry

    Posted On:

    “This laundry is a rip off! They turned the dryers down and it takes over 2.00 to dry one load of clothes. The dryer is not overloaded. The man that runs the business is very rude. They do not repair equipment in a timely manner. Cleaniness is okay. The parking is bad. It is the only self service laundry in Callahan and they think they can treat people any way they want to. I got news for them. I work in Jacksonville and I can take mine with me and use the very nice laundry near my job! I encourage everyone to take their laundry to Yulee or Jax!”

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